
Referencing the Entire Website

When referencing the entire website, please use this citation:

"Skinner, N. and the SkinnerScience team(2021). SkinnerScience, [Accessed ]"

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Referencing Specific Sections

Periodic Table

When referencing the periodic table section, please use this citation:

"Skinner, N., The SkinnerScience Administration Department, and The SkinnerScience Periodic Table Commission (2021). The SkinnerScience Periodic Table Version 2.0, [Accessed ]"


When referencing the elements section, please use this citation:

"Skinner, N., The SkinnerScience Administration Department, The SkinnerScience Element Information Department, and The SkinnerScience Advanced Information Department (2021). The SkinnerScience Interactive Periodic Table of Elements, [Accessed ]"

When referencing a specific element, please use this citation:

"Skinner, N., The SkinnerScience Administration Department, The SkinnerScience Element Information Department, and The SkinnerScience Advanced Information Department (2021). The SkinnerScience Interactive Periodic Table of Elements: Element, [Accessed ]"


When referencing the particles section, please use this citation:

"Skinner, N., The SkinnerScience Administration Department, The SkinnerScience Particle Information Department, and The SkinnerScience Advanced Information Department (2021). The SkinnerScience Interactive Standard Model of Elementary Particles and Composite Particles, [Accessed ]"

When referencing a specific particle, please use this citation:

"Skinner, N., The SkinnerScience Administration Department, The SkinnerScience Particle Information Department, and The SkinnerScience Advanced Information Department (2021). The SkinnerScience Interactive Standard Model of Elementary Particles and Composite Particles: Particle, [Accessed ]"

Replace the text "Particle" with your particle's name, and the "URL" text with the last section of the URL for your particle's page.


When referencing the datasheets section, please use this citation:

"Skinner, N., The SkinnerScience Administration Department, and The SkinnerScience Datasheet Information Department (2021). The SkinnerScience D# Datasheet Collection, [Accessed ]"


When referencing the units section, please use this citation:

"Skinner, N., The SkinnerScience Administration Department, and The SkinnerScience Wiki Information Department (2021). The SkinnerScience Unit Information Collection, [Accessed ]"

For specific unit pages, please use the citations provided at the bottom of each page.


When referencing the wiki, please use this citation:

"Skinner, N., The SkinnerScience Administration Department, and The SkinnerScience Wiki Information Department (2021). The SkinnerScience Main Wiki, [Accessed ]"

For specific wiki pages, please use the citations provided at the bottom of each page.

Commercial Use

To use or reference this website's content commercially, you need to have permission from the Administration department - contactable here.