

This website aims to provide the world with accurate, detailed data from across the three disciplines of science, give students and teachers alike factually correct descriptions of many scientific concepts, and aid teachers in their teaching of the world around us.

The Team

You can view our full team - who all need equal credit for this project - here.


In October 2021, a periodic table was created by this website's author, Neo Skinner, this periodic table then raised interest in a scientific datasheets project which aims to create 8 scientifically accurate datasheets accross Chemistry and Physics. In late November 2021, this website was created as a means to enable the project to reach the general project. You can view all of the datasheets in their current form here.

Author's Note

I hope you find this website helpful and informative, the information and data is kept as up-to-date as possible and all of our wiki articles are regularly fact-checked and rewritten to accomodate recent advancements in science. Much of the data and articles have been written/created by me personally, so if you wish to confirm their accuracy at any point, just drop me a line in the contact section (far right), and I'll get in touch as soon as I can.

- Neo Skinner
The Author

Copyright, Liability and References

All references used in this site's creation can be found on their respective pages (usually via a link at the bottom) and references for the datasheets can be found here.

If you wish to cite or reference this website in any work, you must provide a citation as follows:

"Skinner, N. and the SkinnerScience team(2021). SkinnerScience, https://skinnerscience.netlify.app [Accessed ]"

You can view our full guide to referencing here.

You may use data from this website in any non-commercial work you wish to undertake without the owners permission providing that the above statement is published clearly in the work. You may not attempt to replicate this website in any clearly identifiable way or use its data in any commercial work without prior permission from the author.

SkinnerScience was conceived by and is written in part by Neo Skinner. The entire SkinnerScience package is copyright Neo L. Skinner and the SkinnerScience team. The authors hope you enjoy using SkinnerScience and find it useful. The authors endeavours to ensure that the information within SkinnerScience is high quality but you and I both have to accept there are still plenty of errors - the team do really try their best. Copyright to some data (indicated on the appropriate pages) resides with those who compiled that data and I am most grateful to a number of people whose names are indicated on the appropriate pages who gave permission for some of their data to be published in SkinnerScience.

A condition of your use of SkinnerScience is that you accept the authors does not have any liability for error or omission. Do not attempt to build a nuclear reactor in your parents garden based upon the data you find in SkinnerScience. Many errors and problems have been reported to me and time permitting, I'm still working on them. Do please keep the error reports coming in!

Contact General Enquiries

You can contact individual departments and commissions here.